CMS Emergency Preparedness Maintenance Programs

We understand that maintaining your program can be a challenge. We offer 4 programs of varying price points to help you achieve a CMS compliant Emergency Preparedness Program.

Do It Yourself

  • CMS Toolkit
    • Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Template
    • TTX, Full Scale, AAR Template
    • Hazard Response Plan Template
    • Communications Plan Template
    • Policies and Procedures Template
  • EOP Review
  • GAP Assessment 
  • On Demand

  • Webinars
    • How To Write a Plan
    • How To Do a Tabletop
    • How To Do a Full Scale 

Do It With You

  • CMS Toolkit
    • Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Template
    • TTX, Full Scale, AAR Template
    • Hazard Response Plan Template
    • Communications Plan Template
    • Policies and Procedures Template
  • EOP Review
  • GAP Assessment 
  • On Demand Content
  • Tabletop Exercise(via Webinar)
  • Full Scale Exercise(In Person)

  • 2 Trainings via Webinar
    • Plan Training
    • Incident Command System Training


Learning Management System!

Do It For You

  • Full Revision of Emergency Operations Plan
  • In Person Tabletop Exercise
  • In Person Full Scale Exercise
  • 5 Trainings
    • 3 Webinars:
      • Plan Training
      • Incident Command System
      • New Hire Training
    • In Person Trainings (choose two from list):
      • Workplace Violence
      • Active Shooter
      • Point of Dispensal
      • Infection Control
      •  IT & Diaster Safety
  • On-Demand Content
  • Multi Year Training and Exercise Program (MYTEP)



Learning Management System!

We offer additional items that can be added to your maintenance program:

Program Evaluation & Improvement Plan

  • EOP Audit
  • Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
  • In Depth Self-Assessment Form
  • Improvement Plan

Comprehensive Customized Plans

  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and risk assessments
  • Emergency Operations Planning
  • Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

Trainings, Drills, and Exercises

  • Surviving an Active Shooter
  • Crisis Communications
  • Medical Surge Planning
  • Workplace Violence
  • Infection Control

CMS Emergency Preparedness

  • Plan Review
  • Plan Training/Exercises
  • Gap Assessment and Correction
  • Consulting
  • Survey Prep

Learning Management System(s)

  • How to Write an Emergency Operations plan
  • Risk Assessments & Business Impact Analysis
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Training & Testing Program

Contact Us

(916) 758-3220

1510 J Street Suite 115, Sacramento, CA 95814

M-F: 8am-5:30pm, S-S: Closed


We believe emergency preparedness is a continuum and we are ready to stand by throughout the entire preparation and recovery processes. Ready to get started? It’s never too early to be prepared. Contact us today for an initial consultation and to take the first step in getting prepared.

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